Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A weasles tail

Week 3
#5 flickr

Sid was my beautiful , wonderful ,funny, intelligent, happy, goodnatured ,loving, thieving, soppy, snuggly, wriggly, long, weasely ferret.

He died just after Christmas last year and I still miss him and miss him and miss him and etc.

I thought I would make him famous.

He also became the only thing about this week's task that I particularly liked.

Although I think Flickr looks like a great place for people to do arty things with their photos (mashups etc.) and a good place for artists to showcase their wares and although I do agree it has some pretty excellent photos on it I found it kinda clunky to use and its applications time consuming.

I wasn't keen on the layout either.

I think photo bucket is much more user friendly.